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 Use the matrix to evaluate your work!

BeginningDevelopingVery GoodExcellentScore

ResearchI read the texts and watched the videos but I did not understand much of it. I did not write a lot of information. I did not ask for help when I needed it.I read the text and watched the videos. I understood what they said and I wrote some information. I asked for help when I needed it.I read the texts and watched the videos. I understood most of it and I wrote a lot of information.I read the texts and watched the videos. I understood almost everything and I wrote a whole lot of information.        

TableI didn't make a tableI did a part of workI made more than half of work.I did all the work

CompositionAbsentThe composition don't answers the purposeThe composition answers the purpose but there are a lot of mistakesThe composition is correct and answers the purpose

LearningI have not learned anythingI know something about the ways of travellingI now know a lot about the ways of travellingI now know plenty about the ways of travelling

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